bring creators together.
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Build school.

We bring fundraising in
21st century
With the help ofhundredsfromcreatorslet's speak themGenerations YandZdirectly and get them enthusiastic about our campaigns, where they can help determine which path they take.
We mainly touch downmicrodonations(under 10€) over aCharity SMS, with the young peopledo good with one clickinstead of clicking through thousands of forms.
We firmly believe that with theHelp from Creators, yourfollowersandreputable partner organizationstogethersignificant projectswill put on its feet and through our effortshopeless children again hopefind in your life!
our promise

Not a dime
flows to us
To our role as "unifier“ Doing justice responsibly willnot a cent of the donations go to us, ratherdirectto ourpartner organizationwho is in charge of building the school.

We take care of everything
Apart from thatof theappeal for donationsthe creator on their social media accounts, we willtake care of the rest. That means e.gconstant contactto thepartner organization,Convincing other creators, Providingsecure donation infrastructure, Etc.
We only work with reputable partners
In terms of ourown integrity obligewe just withorganizations to cooperatewho made a historymore serious,more efficientandmore successfulcan show work.

Our project


Hope for Malawi

Malawiis a landlocked country inSoutheast Africa. Politically it is a regional comparisonpeaceful,safeandstable country. However, it is one of theleast developed countries in the world. Together with the Christian Liebig Foundation we want oneprimary school buildingin remote areasrealize in Malawi, so thischildren have a chanceto go to school.

Education in Malawi
Thequality of school instructionisvery badand about20 percentof girls and boyscannot go to elementary school. More than onethird of the adult populationmissing themselvesBasic knowledgein theTo readandWrite.

sustainable concept
We willnot an expensive private schoolbuild. The Christian Liebig Foundation is inclose contactwith theMinistry of Education in Malawi. The Ministryproposes places for a school buildingandbuys the property. through theDonatewill then dieschool built. After the school is finished, there will be oneceremonial handovertheschool to the community. So willsecuredthat school toostill exist in 10 yearsand through theDirector's Choiceandon-site visitscan we have oneensure good school operations.
why malawi ?
Malawi occupies inHuman Development IndextheU.N. Rank 174 out of 189. As comparison:Germanyis onRank 6, civil war countrySyriaon151st placeand theYemenwhere there is a massive famine179th place. this showshow great the need isand why usnecessarily actmust.

Where in Malawi should the school be built?
Ourpartner organizationtheChristian Liebig Foundationis verywell connected in the country. In thesouthof the country in the region aroundBlantireHave you ever8 schools builtandstrong connectionstolocal contractors. Therefore we will alsobuild our elementary school in this region.

fundraising goal


Minimum - limitless - principle
This is different from other organizations/projectsfundraising goalfor our elementary school projectvery flexible. There is aMinimum fundraising goalthat meets the minimum requirements for building a small school in Malawi. It's included60,000 euros.
About itthere isno limits.The more donationsto be collectedthe biggerwill be the school andthe more children can be helpedbecome! That's how it can bemomentumonecampaign fully utilizedwill and allDonatecaninvested immediatelybecome.

our partner organization

Making the world a better place out of tragedy

On April 7, 2003, Focus foreign editor Christian Liebig was the only German journalist to be killed in a rocket attack in Baghdad (Iraq). A circle of family and friends are realizing his dream of development aid on an equal footing in Africa by successfully promoting education.
Why is the Christian Liebig Foundation a perfect match for us?
100% of the donations arrive
Unlike other organizations where up to 20% of the donation goes towards, for example, board salaries in the six-figure range, the CLS is the only organization where every cent goes. They manage this with a small team of volunteers and individual sponsors who take on all administrative costs.

implementation experience
Within a short history (founded in 2003 after the death of Christian Liebig) a lot has been achieved in Malawi. 26 schools were built, giving 26,000 children the chance to get an education. Traditionally, they build a new school every year.
serious and excellent
In 2016, the Christian Liebig Foundation was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit for its school construction in developing countries and is under the patronage of the German UNESCO Commission.

on site
strongly networked
Thanks to their close involvement in Malawi since 2003, they are an accepted partner in the country. They work closely with the German embassy, the Malawian government and local businesses/communities.
projects from the
Christian Liebig Foundation

Christian Liebig Secondary School

Mazala Elementary School

Mthawira Primary School
Our supporters

WE are

Tim Niessner
1. Chairman
Spiegel bestseller